Learn a Little

about me πŸ™‚

The ever positive Jen at Miles & Blessings nominated me for the Sunshine Award! But before I get started, go check out her PRO Compression socks giveaway!

Onto the award:


The Rules:

1. Include award logo in a post or on your blog.
2. Link to the person(s) who nominated you.
3. Answer 10 questions about yourself.
4. Nominate 5 bloggers (some say 5 some say 10…I picked 5) to receive the award. Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs letting them know they’ve been nominated.

1. What’s Your Favorite Quote? It’s impossible to pick – I have a board full of quotes I love on Pinterest. But here are a few I like:


I’m terrified of failure, but mistakes are part of progress.


I remind myself of this whenever I want to say “no” to something, when I really have the time/money/means to do it. I used to never try anything new, or go anywhere if I didn’t have it scheduled on the calendar days in advance. Now, I try to say yes to things immediately – to get out, meet people, and experience more of life outside running and work.


A little reminder that nothing can be perfect all the time (or else I’d go crazy). This is huge since I’m a slightly obsessive perfectionist.

2. Would you rather read, or watch TV? Reading for sure. I feel like reading really takes you places (in your mind at least), whereas TV doesn’t.

3. What type of shoes do you have on your feet right now? Flips flops! My shoes of summer if I’m not running.

4. If you could live in any city in the world, where would you live? That’s a toughie. I’m not a city person, but I’d love to live in the Southwest (no humidity!), or maybe the Caribbean πŸ™‚

5. What’s your favorite form of exercise? Running of course πŸ™‚ I like body pump too, and I imagine I’d like a spin class, but I’ve yet to take one.

6. If you could be on a reality TV show, which one would you choose? The Amazing Race- I’d love to see the world and most of their challenges look like a fun way to learn about the culture!

7. Which chore do you enjoy the least, and why? Vacuuming! I don’t like how loud vacuums are (so you can’t do it if someone is sleeping or watching tv) and they are a pain to maneuver!

8. If you could use only one beauty product for the rest of your life, what would you choose? I don’t wear much make up. Does chapstick count?

9. Most of the clothes in your closet are from what three stores/brands? Nike, Under Armour, and American Eagle. I don’t shop often, so I tend to find something I like and I never deviate from it. Boring, I know πŸ™‚

10. What goals are you currently working toward? A 3:30 marathon this October! After that, I’d like to achieve other PRs and mainly become a stronger/faster runner.

I’d love to read your responses to some of (or all of ) the questions – consider yourself nominated if you’re reading this!

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